Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Solar Trajectory

For this lab, we used an 8 inch stick and measured the length of its shadow at four different times throughout the day.  
 Our first measurement was taken at 9:15am with the shadow at 273°W relative to the sun.  The shadow measured 18 inches long and the angle between the tip of the shadow and the ground was approximately 23.96°.  
 At 1:31pm the shadow was at 350°N.  The shadow measured 5 inches leaving a 57.99° angle between the end of the shadow and the ground.   
We measured again at 3:34pm with the shadow at 57°NE.  The stick cast a shadow of 8.8 inches with the angle between the tip of the shadow and the ground being 42.27°.   
Our last measurement was taken at 6:33pm when the shadow was at 70°E.  The stick’s shadow measured 30.5 inches and the angle between the tip of the shadow and the ground was 14.7°.