Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Little Sunflower

Day 1
Today I planted and watered my sunflower seed and my money seed.  The photo on the left is my potential sunflower and on the right is my potential money plant.

Day 3
Today I watered my "plants" again and neither of them showed signs of growth.  I placed them on a different window sill so they would receive more sunlight.

Day 5
Today I checked on my "plants" and the sunflower was sticking out about an inch above the soil.  The money plant still had not shown signs of growth.  I watered both "plants" again.

Day 7
Today I checked on my "plants" and the sunflower grew an additional half inch above the soil.  The money plant had, again, not shown signs of growth.  I watered both plants again.


 Day 9
Today I went to water my "plants" and the sunflower grew at least another inch and is now towering over the cup.  Again, my money plant had not sprouted.  I watered both plants anyways.  Below is a current picture of my growing sunflower.  I will not upload a picture of the money seed "plant" unless something visibly changes since the last picture I uploaded.

Day 13
Since it's been cloudy and raining the past few days straight, my sunflower looked a little wilted today.  Although it was wilted, my plant still grew another inch and began to open up more at the top.  It was still moist from the last time I watered it, but I watered it a little anyways.  I've lost all hope for the money seed, so I did not water it.

The sun still hasn't come out, but my sunflower grew another inch.  The stem was too long to keep itself upright; it was bent over the side of the cup.  To help it stand upright, I put two pieces of tape across the top of the cup for the stem to lean on.  It also looks like another sunflower is starting to sprout.

Day 29
Since we have been gone for spring break, I haven't been able to water my sunflower.  When I got back it was extremely dried out and almost looked dead.  I watered it anyways in hopes it would continue to grow.

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